brave remote add

Add a remote

brave remote add [NAME] [URL]


Create a remote called [NAME] available at [URL]. Example: brave remote add test https://localhost:8443


  -h, --help              help for add
      --network string    LXD-managed bridge to use for networking containers (default "lxdbr0")
      --password string   Trusted password to use when communicating with remote
      --profile string    Name of LXD profile to use with this remote. (default "default")
      --protocol string   LXD server protocol to connect with (e.g. 'lxd', 'simplestreams') (default "lxd")
      --public            Publicly available server with no authentication
      --storage string    Name of LXD storage pool to use for container (default "default")
Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 11-Apr-2024