brave deploy

Deploy Unit from image

brave deploy IMAGE


Bravetools supports Unit deployment using either command line arguments or a configuration file. In cases where IPv4 address is not provided, a random ephemeral IP address will be assigned. More detailed deployment options e.g. CPU and RAM should be configured through Bravefile.


      --config string    Path to Unit configuration file [OPTIONAL]
  -c, --cpu string       Number of allocated CPUs (e.g., 2) [OPTIONAL]
  -h, --help             help for deploy
  -i, --ip string        IPv4 address (e.g., [OPTIONAL]
  -n, --name string      Assign name to deployed Unit
      --network string   LXD-managed bridge to use for networking containers (e.g. lxdbr0)
  -p, --port strings     Publish Unit port to host [OPTIONAL]
      --profile string   LXD profile to deploy to. Defaults to bravetools local profile [OPTIONAL]
  -r, --ram string       Number of allocated CPUs (e.g., 2GB) [OPTIONAL]
      --storage string   Name of LXD storage pool to use for container
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